Lecturer: Agus Necholase
Name: Aay Aisyah Anisa
Npm: 18216449

Article of A, An, And The
As an article, 'a' and 'an' means one. In Indonesian, the article can be translated into an sebuah/seorang/seekor/sehelai dst. It depends on the noun that follows.

A and an only be followed by singular nouns (benda tunggal), but never directly followed by uncountable nouns (benda tidak dapat dihitung)

1.      Article A is used before nouns that begin with the letter which reads consonants. Consonant sounds of English is / b /, / d /, / f /, / g /, / h /, / k /, / l /, / m /, / n /, / p /, / r /, / s /, / t /, / v /, / w /, / j /, / z /, / Å‹ /, / ð /, / θ /, / Ê’ /, / ʃ /, / ʧ /, / ʤ / / x /
·         a lady = seorang wanita
·         a tiger = seekor harimau
·         a leaf = sehelai daun
·         A cat  =  seekor kucing
·         A dog                            : seekor anjing
·         A young puppy         : seekor Anak anjing muda
·         A one-eyed pirate    : seorang Bajak laut yang bermata satu
Some nouns starting with vowel but a consonant sound, so the article used is a
·         a house (sebuah rumah)
·         a uniform (sebuah seragam)
·         a home (sebuah temat tinggal)
·         a university (sebuah universitas)
·         a half (setengah)

2.      Article an use before nouns that begin with the letter reads vowels and clipped sound of vowels in English is / É‘: /, / ÊŒ /, / É”: /, / É’ /, / Éœ: /, / e /, / æ /, / É™ /, / i: /, / i /, / ɪ /, / u: /, / ÊŠ /, / u /, while the sound diphtong English are: / aɪ /, / aÊŠ /, / eÉ™ /, / eɪ /, / əʊ /, / ɔɪ /, / ɪə /, / iÉ™ /, / ÊŠÉ™ /, / uÉ™ /, / aɪə /, / eɪə /, / əʊə / / ɔɪə /
·         an elephant
·          an apple
·          an onion
·          an uncle
·         an umbrella
Some nouns begin with consonants but vowel sounds, so an article is used.
Example: an hour

when we use a and when we use an?
1.      a and an is used to express a singular noun in general.
·         A football is usually made of leather.
·         An artist should keep a good relationship with fans.
2.      a and an are used to refer to a singular noun that has never been mentioned before.
·         I met guy last night.
·         My company just built new skyscraper.

The generally used to refer to a noun that has never been mentioned before. Given the, noun is meant to be more specific. The noun can be countable, can also uncountable noun. If countable noun, the noun can be singular, can also plural. In this case, the can mean that or that, or sometimes this.
·         The water in my well is Contaminated. (Well =baik, Contaminated = terkontaminasi). In this sentence, the fitting if replaced with that, because the "water" in this sentence has been explained by the "in my well".
·         There are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have hard time to find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku

A noun is equally known by the speaker and the listener because it is based on common knowledge, it is known as the only one in a certain area, so do not be mistaken with other objects. The item is the only one.
·         the earth (the earth)
·         the moon (moon)
·         the sky (sky)
·         the universe (the universe)
If someone calls the moon everyone knows where the moon is, though not referred to in the preceding sentence. Other people do not need to ask where the moon is, because there is only one that on our earth. But if someone mentions the star (star) other people need to know where the star is the speaker, because there are a lot of star on earth. Star which is meant to be the one mentioned in the previous sentence or the star was appointed directly, by hand.
·         The moon is beautiful.
·         The sun is shining so brightly.
The can be used with singular or plural, as shown below in
For objects or people who have known all around us.
·         For a person, thing, or idea described by a word that has been mentioned.
Example: 1. He walked into the house and hung his coat in the closet. (Dia berjalan ke rumah dan menggantung mantelnya di lemari)
2. He is reading a book in the living room. (dia sedang membaca buku di ruang tamu)
2 For a person, thing, or idea described by a word that has been mentioned
The word that precedes
Example: A strange dog came onto the parch. The dog seemed very friendly. (Seekor anjing aneh datang ke pemanggang itu. Anjing itu tampak sangat ramah)
The word that follows
Example: The man standing near the window will be our guest speaker tonight. (Pria yang berdiri di dekat jendela akan menjadi pembicara tamu kami malam ini)
c. For the class as a whole
Example: The lion is an animal. (singa adalah seekor binatang)
d. With adjectives sequence
Example: The best way: the fifth lesson. (jalan terbaik: pelajaran kelima)
e. With + noun or gerund phrase of
Example:  The changing of the guards. (perubahan penjaga)
f. In terms of after word that indicates the number.
Example: Four of the children from that school. (Empat dari anak-anak dari sekolah itu)
g. For the name of the place
example: The Mississipi river. (sungai Mississipi)
Rules others in determining whether the use or not, can be seen in the following table. Note: the used on nouns in the following table generally does not mean "the", to him, it can not be replaced with that.

Article exercise
1. ______________most of _____________ stories people tell about_________Irish are not true.
 2. ______________beef we had for dinner last night was excellent.
3. Everyone has problems in ________________ life.
 4. I don't know much about _______________ life of Napoleon.
 5. My grandmother had _____________ long life.
6. Yes, my name is ___________ Simpson, but I'm not ____________ Simpson you're looking for.
7. _____________ people wear jewellery to look more attractive.
8. _______________ jewellery Diana wearing today is beautiful.
 9. Mary is wearing ____________ gold ring today. It is made of ___________ gold.
10. _______ word to __________ wise is _________ sufficient.



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